Childhood sexual abuse and molestation are a terrible reality for many Washington residents. Many times the consequences of sexual abuse last the victim’s entire life.

Victims of child sex abuse have a difficult time even thinking about it, much less discussing it. The abuse of those with authority over the victim or other position of power over the victim can forever alter the way the victim looks at the world and drastically alter their life.

  • Free consultation

Recovery In A Sex Abuse Claim

Our attorneys will begin working on your case immediately to determine what, if any, recovery our client is entitled to. Washington’s Law Firm can’t undo what happened to a sexual abuse victim. But, we will do whatever we can to make sure the abuser, or those who enabled the abuser pays as much as possible to aid in the healing process. We know that nothing can bring back the mental, physical and emotional state that existed before the abuse. However, we are here to give the victims of child sex abuse the compensation, therapy, apology, and closure to which they are entitled.

Washington’s Law Firm Is Dedicated To Helping The Injured People Of Washington

Contact Us Now

The Washington statute of limitations treats victims of childhood sexual abuse quite favorably – even if the abuse happened a long time ago. Still, time is always against you. These sensitive cases can last for years if the defendant denies the allegations completely. The countdown to receiving any compensation or legal closure doesn’t begin until you contact an attorney. Depending on fact-specific circumstances, Washington’s Law Firm may acquire co-counsel in order to combine our resources so that the client can best be served.  The attorneys at Washington’s Law Firm will exercise the utmost discretion and confidentiality throughout the process. Call us now a confidential, free and no obligation case review. We work on a contingency basis – if we do not recover, you do not owe an attorney fee.