Our population is getting older every day, and there is an increasing need to rely on institutions to care for our elderly loved ones. As a result, millions of Americans live in a nursing home or long-term care facility, and every year thousands of people are injured, exploited or maltreated as a result of nursing home abuse and neglect. We work to hold nursing homes accountable for harm done to our loved ones.

  • Free consultation

Abuse vs. Neglect

Vulnerable adults, including the elderly who have entrusted their care to a nursing home, are afforded protection under the law. Unfortunately, there are those who care for the vulnerable that commit horrible acts against them during the course of their duties. While it is uncommon, a resident may suffer direct physical abuse, emotional abuse or even sexual abuse from a member of the facility staff.

It is an unfortunate fact that many facilities are so understaffed that staff and administration are simply unable to provide the level of care the law dictates they adhere to. They are simply not equipped to avoid all harm, and most of the times are not equipped to provide sufficient care. Poor building maintenance, transportation negligence, and outright neglect are sad results of poorly trained, motivated and sometimes insufficiently numbered staff. Many mistakes made that result in harm to vulnerable loved ones are completely avoidable.

Washington’s Law Firm Is Dedicated To Helping The Injured People Of Washington

What Can Be Recovered In A Nursing Home Abuse And Neglect Claim

Our attorneys will begin working on your case immediately to determine what, if any, recovery our client is entitled to. Recovery can include benefits such as:

  • Past and future medical expenses related to the injury caused including surgeries, hospital stays, chronic pain and suffering, and funeral expenses, if applicable;
  • Lost wages due to missed time at work, if applicable;
  • Loss of past or future earning potential, if applicable; and
  • Other forms of economic and noneconomic loss, if applicable.

Get Started Today

Our Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect attorneys are dedicated to maximizing your recovery in such disheartening claims. These claims often take years to resolve, and the countdown to receiving compensation and closure doesn’t start until you contact an attorney to begin work on your case. Call Washington’s Law Firm for a free case review. The call is completely free and no obligation. We operate on a contingency, so you never owe anything to us. If we don’t win your case, you do not owe a dime.