Car Accident Lawyers

Car accidents can upend the lives of those injured through the fault of another. From accidents that leave no visible vehicle damage to catastrophic crashes, life is simply not the same. Some people are able to carry on with their everyday life after a short while, but many people are left with damages that will last the rest of their lives. On top of this, they are being manipulated by an insurance claims adjuster whose job is to devalue claims as much as possible.

The experienced car accident attorneys at Washington Injury Counsel have what it takes to help you physically and financially recover to the utmost degree. We’ll go over your case strategy during a free, confidential, no-obligation case review. We have convenient locations throughout the state of Washington. If you cannot come to one of our offices, we can meet either where it’s most convenient or via videoconference.

  • Free Case Review

The car accident attorneys at Washington Injury Counsel know the ins and outs of every aspect of an auto accident case. We don’t limit our involvement to calling periodically to check in – we do what it takes to make sure our clients will have the best possible chance at full physical recovery. If they’re not able to make a complete recovery, we will substantiate claims of permanent injury. We don’t rely on industry norms when dealing with insurance companies, because we treat all of our cases as outliers.

Without counsel, an injured party will almost certainly not get fair value for their claim. Don't let the insurance company shortchange your recovery. Choose the car accident attorneys at Washington Injury Counsel to stand by your side and advocate for your rights. Get started with improving your car accident claim today by calling or texting us at 206-984-9797. We will conduct a free, no obligation, and confidential case review. And if we do not recover in your case, you do not owe us anything.